Alternative — Elegant Gray


Alternative Gallery is a groundbreaking theme with features that will make your store easier to manage and your products easier to sell. Here’s how.

A gallery style that puts the emphasis on the product

Inspired by the display of fashion and art, this approach puts your products front and center. The category (collection) pages even adapt the number of columns depending on your browser size. Just resize your browser while looking at this page.

4 preset color schemes

Each of these color schemes is just a dropdown menu away.

  1. Elegant Gray – View Screenshot
  2. Hot Black – View Screenshot
  3. Icy Fresh – View Screenshot
  4. Minty Pink – View Screenshot
Fine-grained color control

None of the preset color schemes just right for your brand? Use the color pickers to choose your own background, buttons, text color, link color & more!

You decide how many products per page

With most themes you’re either stuck with the number of products per page that the original author decided, or you have to venture into indecipherable code. Alternative Gallery gives you a simple dropdown with a range of options between 4 & 48.

Avatar-enabled comments

Now you can see who’s been commenting on your blog thanks to Alternative Gallery’s Gravatar support. Take a look at the example.

Beautiful headlines

Alternative Gallery features beautiful headlines using a custom font that works in virtually every browser. Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Internet Explorer. Even IE6!

What are you waiting for? Get it now for only $150!